• 2020 Virtual IAFCI Annual Training Conference

    August 24-27, 2020 Presented by: The New England Chapter

    Up To 21 CPE'S Can Be Earned along with an Additional 35 CPE credits for on-demand after the event Sept.10, 2020


"Revolutionary War Against Fraud"

The IAFCI Annual Conference & Exhibitor Show is Now Virtual

Thank You for attending the 2020 Boston Virtual Conference, hosted by the NE Chapter. Your attendance is a huge part of the conference Success, as well as the importance of networking, communication, collaboration and teamwork.

We look forward to seeing you at our 2021 Annual Training Conference located in Chicago, August 30- Sept. 3< /p>

The 4 Day Seminar Includes:

  • Opening Ceremonies
  • General Sessions
  • Live Sessions
  • On Demand
  • Authorized Recordings, after the conference
  • Earn Up to 21 CPE'S towards your certification needs along with an additional 35 CPE credits available for the on-demand sessions after the event up to September 10, 2020


  Click Here 


Boston enchants with its cosmopolitan elegance and European flair. It's the place to stroll down American history lane, see where Paul Revere rode, how the pilgrims lived, and walk along the Freedom Trail.

Click Here

Thank You to our Sponsors

   PLATINUM                              GOLD                                             SILVER



Arizona Chapter

Central Canada Chapter

Delaware Valley Chapter

Florida Chapter 

Illinois Chapter

New England Chapter

New York Metro Chapter

North Texas Chapter

Ohio Valley Chapter

Western Pacific Canada

Wisconsin Chapter 


Thank You to our IAFCI Exhibitors