Why Join IAFCI Apply Online Today

IAFCI gives our membership professionals the means to effectively communicate in a secure environment to promote the exchange of information in the never-ending effort to apprehend and prosecute financial crime law breakers.

The expansion of IAFCI mirrors that of the payment systems industry usage and acceptance throughout the world. Local and regional Chapters have and are being formed across the world. Our members come together from all segments of the financial community, law enforcement, and retail establishments. Our one goal is to stamp out financial fraud. 

Policy Statement

The Association firmly believes in the philosophy that all card/cheque/check fraud violations should be investigated and prosecuted without regard for monetary restitution and that law enforcement agencies and the courts must not be used as a vehicle for the recovery of financial losses.

Benefits of Membership

Investigative Support:
  • On-line global directory with access to over 6,000 financial industry and law enforcement members
  • Access to the Federal Reserve E-Payment Routing Directory
  • Development of listings of State and Federal Laws pertaining to financial and cyber fraud
  • Partnerships with other organizations for further intelligence sharing and training opportunities
  • Links to investigative resources websites
  • Access to intelligence reports, fraud trends, reports on new technologies, and industry tips on a 24/7 basis.
  • IAFCI Newsletter highlighting industry and government initiatives and key case activities
  • Worldwide networking capabilities with investigation peers within the financial crimes industry
  • Employment Opportunities
Training & Education
  • Regularly scheduled regional chapter intelligence meetings worldwide
  • Annual International Training Conference, discounted fees for IAFCI Members
  • Regional Training Seminars, discounted fees for IAFCI Members     
  • Free Training Webinars on the most current trends and crime, where CPE credits can be earned.
  • Resource Guides, Stop Action Videos & Podcast 
  • IAFCI Partnership Trainings, discounted fees for IAFCI Members
  • Certification Programs for IAFCI Members (CFCI), (DFCP), (CCCI)
  • Provides a unified voice and resource on financial investigative issues
  • Supports research and expertise in the area of  financial and cyber fraud

Do you Qualify for Membership?

Qualifications for Membership

Apply for Membership 

Two ways to apply for membership.  Apply Online orprint, complete and submit the appropriate Membership Application Form. Please read qualifications carefully before applying.  Once approved, paid dues are non refundable; however they are transferable to another person working in the same capacity and membership dues are paid for the current dues year.

2 for 1 Membership is Offered During our Membership Drive Months, August & December Only

Rules Apply 

  • 2 for 1 Applies to NEW Members Only
  • Available to law enforcement and private sector organizations
  • All fees apply (Annual Dues, and Annual Chapter Assessments).
  • Applicants for the 2 for 1 Membership are required to apply at the same time using the online application or by submitting the hard copy applications via email to support@iafci.org
  • Applicants do not have to be with the same chapter, if employed by the same company or organization. Higher fees apply.
  • Both memberships are transferable to another qualifying member.
When applying Online both applicants are required to complete the application and note the corresponding name in the Co-Application section.

When submitting the paper application both applicant's need to complete the application and indicate 2 for 1 on top of application along with the applicant's name.  Fees must be applied to one of the two applicants.  If you have additional questions  please contact the International Office  916-939-5000 or support@iafci.org