Collectively Combating Financial and Cyber Fraud Globally!
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Members Discount for September & October CFCI & CCCI
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August 2024 Las Vegas, NV
The IAFCI, a non-profit international organization, will provide services and an environment within which information about financial fraud, fraud investigation and fraud prevention methods can be collected, exchanged and taught for the common good of The financial payment industry and our global society.
IAFCI Mission
Who Are We?
To join IAFCI a member's eligibility is determined by their position in financial crimes investigative services. If you are a professional and interested in becoming a IAFCI member, membership is classified into four categories, law, corporate. associate and academia. Please read qualifications carefully before applying for membership.
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Leading experts will be presenting training and information about recent crime trends along with prevention methods. This is sure to enhance your investigation skills and allow you to recognize red flags on financial crimes and money laundering.
Join us for a discussion on the evolution of Fintech's and why they have become synonymous with fraud. While this is not reality it is perception and perception is reality.
This 2 day training is intended for subject matter experts and investigators who regularly work skimming and access device fraud investigations; this is not a Skimming 101 training.
This course is designed to equip you with the skills to employ accurate search patterns, leverage open-source resources, and effectively navigate social media platforms for investigative purposes.
Learn about financial and bank fraud investigations in the Southern District of Florida.
Myrtle Beach, SC
Location: Columbus, OH. Topics: Compliance Insights & Case Reviews; Pandemic Funds Investigations & More...
Location: Westbury, NY,
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Certification demonstrates advancement of job knowledge and skills. It provides a basis for trusting an investigator’s work and provides a model for others to follow. Skilled investigators become leaders promoting best practices in the investigative field and testing generates new standards and disproves old ones.
The Digital Forensics Certification Board (DFCB) is a non-profit organization of the International Association of Financial Crimes Investigators (IAFCI). The DFCB provides objective certifications in digital forensics which promotes trust and confidence in the Digital Forensics profession.
IAFCI is committed to providing consumers with critical information so they can protect themselves from fraud and other financial crimes.
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